Thursday, February 26, 2009

arghhhhh BES server

Since our migration of our BES server to 4.1, it's been 5 times since then that the BES stopped routing\processing any documents(mail, calendar, etc).
In the morning, we arrive and the server isn't processign anything. The Domino server (7.0.3FP2) is up, all the BBerry services are (seems to be) up too. Nothing particular in the Notes log. Nothing special in the event viewer at the time. We are not able to kill the BES server, we have to restart the whole machine.

Have you ever encountered this kind of problem?
Is their any debug setting that I can add to trouble shoot this issue?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Part 2 - IBM's technotes - The editor's team - Bunch of comics! :-)

The part one was here: Link

Here's the new one

If you get here, you're in DST (Deep sh*?%$t Time)

Russ is the man!

How to - Move Domino from Windows to Solaris?

Is their any guidelines on how to move a Domino server from Windows to Solaris?
Any specific issues?


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

White paper : Administrator Guide for Domino Server maintenance

Abstract The purpose of this document is to describe when to use the Lotus Domino utilities (Updall, Compact, Fixup) and to explain how to use them for normal and abnormal maintenance.


Deploying the IBM Lotus Domino server: A cookbook

This white paper addresses the issues most frequently reported by customers to IBM Technical Support regarding IBM® Lotus® Domino® server deployment. The goal of this document is to enable Domino Administrators who are relatively new to the Domino products to help themselves with specific Lotus Domino installation and upgrade questions. In short, this is a "how to" guide (cookbook) for Lotus Domino install, setup, and upgrade tasks.

In this article

  • Introduction

  • Basics of setting up a standalone Domino server

  • Installing and setting up an additional Domino server in an existing domain

  • Upgrading a Domino server

  • Conclusion

  • Resources

  • About the author


Good technote : What to do when a Certifier ID is stolen, lost or compromised

What should an Administrator do if a Notes/Domino Certifier ID has been lost, stolen or compromised?

What to do when a Certifier ID is stolen, lost or compromised