Friday, May 08, 2009

Bug - LS agents property does not list all agents - Ideas? Xml, DXL

We are actually archiving different mail databases with Enterprise Vault from Symantec. A few dbs have personal agent. The trigger is After new mail has arrived.
The probelms is that this kind of agents runs not only on new documents but also on all new and modified documents (See technote 1084411)

I've tried this but it's not working neither.


I need to find all scheduled agents on our servers. I've tried the code below ,i've tried AgentEz from Ytria , dbDesign from Damian Katz
I finally found that it is not possible to find personal agents (See technote below)

Do you have any other way around?

The LotusScript Agents property (of the NotesDatabase class) does not list all agents in a database. You find that it does not include private agents.

For example, you have a database that contains 20 agents. When you execute the following code it does not list all of the agents. It does not include the private agents.
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim database As NotesDatabase
Set database = session.CurrentDatabase

Forall a In database.Agents
Print a.Name
End Forall



Kevin Pettitt said...

This "Agent Monitor" tool (not to be confused with the OpenNTF project of the same name), though no longer free, will collect information on all agents, including private ones, in all databases on a server, and dump the information into an nsf.


Unknown said...

Hi Jean-Yves,
I just wanted to mention that agentEZ will indeed show private agents, but we don't switch that feature on by default because of performance considerations.
If you check out the 'Databases' panel, there are a couple pull-down menus--the one on the right lets you toggle between "Design Collection" (the default--it's faster but doesn't show private/personal agents) and "Basic Search" (shows private agents).
Cheers and have a great weekend,

Jack said...

This "Agent Monitor" tool , though no longer free, will collect information on all agents, including private ones, in all databases on a server, and dump the information into an nsf.
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