Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Troubleshooting Notes client

Have you ever encountered a problem where only ONE user have. He's the only one who's able to reproduce the problem. If you add the db on your workspace, you're never able to reproduce his issue. He's the only one to have a particular error message that doesn't even exist in your application.
I'm currently training a new guy in our team. So, here's my little troubleshooting steps that I gave him:

For example, if the problem occurs with his mail file

Clean up the workspace!!

  • Remove all the mail file icons from the workspace
  • Close Notes
  • Delete the cache.ndk
  • Reopen Notes
  • Compact the workspace and re-add the mail file
Test again

Almost 100% of the time, you will get good result.
If it doesn't work, you may have , on rare occasion, to delete and recreate the bookmark.nsf file.

  • Look also, if the client have the right version of the Personal Address Book. (Ex: Do he have the ($Policies) view).
  • Look for any unused ports (Com1,Com2,LAN0). Disable them from the location documents and from the File\preferences\User preferences... (Ports tab).
  • Look for any connections to old servers.


Chris LeRoy said...

Open the hidden view ($ByURL) in bookmark.nsf, select all, and delete. Ignore the error, F9 to refresh.

Maria Helm said...

notes.ini reset : Edit the Notes ini file, leave the first 6 lines. This removes an preferences they've set, newmail sequence number, and some other stuff. All that stuff will be recreated when notes is opened again.